Commons and Village Green Registration Panel


MINUTES of a meeting of the Commons and Village Green Registration Panel held at CC2, County Hall, Lewes on 15 May 2024.



PRESENT  Councillors Godfrey Daniel, Kathryn Field and Philip Lunn



Councillors Matthew Milligan and Paul Redstone




1.            Appointment of Chair


1.1       Councillor Field was appointed as the Chair of the meeting.




2.            Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2017


2.1       The panel approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2017.




3.            Disclosure of Interests


3.1       Councillor Daniel declared a personal interest in item 5 as someone who is personally acquainted with the applicant. He did not consider this to be prejudicial.


3.2       Councillor Field declared a personal interest in item 5 as a member of the Natural Trust. She did not consider this to be prejudicial.


3.3       Councillor Redstone declared a personal interest in item 5 as a member of the National Trust, and as someone who is personally acquainted with the applicant. He did not consider this to be prejudicial.




4.            Urgent items


4.1       There were none.




5.            Reports


5.1       Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book.




6.            Request to withdraw application to register land at Bodiam Castle grounds including carriageway as a town or village green


6.1       The Panel considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


6.2       Councillor Paul Redstone, the Local Member spoke in support of the recommendations to withdraw the application.


6.3       The Panel RESOLVED to:


1) Accept the request to withdraw the application to register land at Bodiam Castle grounds including carriageway as a town or village green; and


2) Agree that the County Council takes no further action regarding the application referred to in resolution 1 above.




7.            Application for land at Land and buildings lying to the east of Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill, Lewes, to be registered as a town or village green


7.1       The Panel considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


7.2       Councillor Matthew Milligan, the Local Member spoke in support of the recommendations as set out in the report.


7.3       After consideration of the evidence submitted to the Registration Authority regarding the part of the application of the ‘Land and buildings lying to the east of Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill, Lewes’, and now known as ‘land at Charlwood Gardens Burgess Hill’ (referred to as the Green), the Panel found that all of the necessary criteria have been met and therefore on the balance of probabilities they would accept ‘the Green’ as a town or village green.


7.4       After consideration of the evidence submitted to the Registration Authority regarding the part of the application of the ‘Land and buildings lying to the east of Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill, Lewes’ (referred to as the Wood), the Panel found that the necessary criteria had not been met and therefore would reject ‘the Wood’ as a town or village green.


7.5       The Panel RESOLVED to:


1) Accept the part of the Application pursuant to section 15 of the Commons Act 2006 to register that part of the Land at ‘Land and buildings lying to the east of Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill, Lewes’, and now known as ‘land at Charlwood Gardens Burgess Hill’ (referred to as the Green) as town or village green and the register of town and village greens held by the Council be amended accordingly; and


2) Reject the part of the Application pursuant to section 15 of the Commons Act 2006 to register that part of the Land at ‘Land and buildings lying to the east of Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill, Lewes’ (referred to as the Wood) as town or village green.








(The meeting ended at 10.47 am)                                                                       CHAIR